Please find below GreeNet’s consortium partners, members of the Stakeholder Advisory Board, the Scientific Advisory Board, as well as the funding organisations.
Consortium partners
The GreeNet consortium includes ten research organisations from six European countries. A scientific advisory board and a stakeholder advisory board accompany the project. Several stakeholder groups in all six countries contribute with their expertise.

Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research, Austria
Martin Schönhart (project coordinator), Julian Zeilinger

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Institute of Sustainable Economic Development
Katrin Karner, Julian Zeilinger

ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Agricultural Economics and Policy Group
Viviane Fahrni, Robert Huber (WP2 leader)

Federal Office of Agriculture, Affoltern, Zürich, Switzerland
Agricultural Landscapes and Biodiversity Group
Yvonne Fabian, Noëlle Klein, Marie Perennes

University of Galway, Ireland
Caitriona Carlin, Mike Gormally, Gesche Kindermann

Ruralis Institute for rural and regional research, Oslo, Norway
Lennart Kokemohr, Klaus Mittenzwei (WP4 leader)

University of Vienna, Austria
Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research
Florian Danzinger, Stefan Fuchs, Elias Kapitany (WP3 leader), Thomas Wrbka

Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e. V., Müncheberg, Germany
Farm Economics and Ecosystem Services
Astrid Artner-Nehls, Claudia Bethwell, Michael Glemnitz, Sandra Uthes, Peter Zander (WP5 leader)

Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Janar Raet, Kalev Sepp, Monika Suškevičs

Stakeholder Advisory Board
To best utilise the potential of participatory processes, administrative advice of stakeholders is crucial. In GreeNet, one key stakeholder, i.e. agri-environmental and nature protection policy (AE&NPP) planner, from each partner country joined the GreeNet Stakeholder Advisory Board (StAB). These six persons advise the consortium on the research and participatory process of GreeNet. The stakeholder advisory board supports developing and assessing methods, results synthesis, up- and out-scaling of the project results, and dissemination to ensure the development of feasible and acceptable incentive schemes that are highly effective and efficient.
Country | Name | Organisation | Function |
AT | Thomas Neudorfer | Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management | Deputy head of department for the Austrian agri-environment program, less favoured areas and organic farming |
CH | Samuel Vogel | Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture | Leader of agri-environmental system and fertilizers group |
DE | anonym. | Julius Kühn-Institute | anonym. |
EE | anonym. | Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture | anonym. |
IE | anonym. | National Parks & Wildlife Service – NPWS | anonym. |
NO | anonym. | Ministry of Climate and Environment | anonym. |
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) consists of three internationally acknowledged scientific experts in the fields of ecology, agricultural economics, social sciences and participation. It will counsel the project decision making and support the project in planning and implementing its research activities to ensure that project outcomes are in line with the project objectives.
Name | Organization |
anonym. | anonym. |
anonym. | anonym. |
anonym. | anonym. |
GreeNet is funded by Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership under the 2021 – 2022 BiodivProtect joint call for research proposals, co-funded by the European Commission (GA N°101052342) and with the following funding organisations:
Besides co-funding by the European Commission, national funding organizations include:

Austrian Science Fund

Swiss National Science Foundation

Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland

Research Council of Norway

VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH on behalf of BMBF

Estonian Research Council